HVACR University | hvacru.com | Established 2024

Supporting the next generation of HVACR professionals through mentorship and training.

HVACR University

A Community for Learners

Welcome to HVACR University!

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Justin!

I am a second generation HVACR technician. I began my career shortly after graduating high school in 2006. 

I wasn’t the best student in high school, and at the time I wasn’t sure about college. I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps and start a career in the trades. I began to work with my father to learn as much as I could about HVACR before starting apprenticeship school. 

I graduated from an apprenticeship program in 2013 and went on to acquire a Master HVACR License, Master Plumber & Gas-Fitter License, and a First Grade Stationary Engineering License, and an A.A.S. in HVACR. I decided to continue my education and work towards a bachelor’s degree in engineering mainly because of my passion for HVACR. Over the years, my interest in the engineering field grew. 

Throughout my time in the field, I’ve worked in construction, service, and facilities. I taught apprenticeship school in the evenings, and I even had the chance to work for one of the biggest tech companies in the world for a short period of time. 

To say that a career in HVACR has been rewarding would be an understatement. I’ve been lucky enough to have a lot of good experiences because of this trade, a lot of amazing mentors and instructors, and I’ve worked alongside a lot of great (and very smart) people. 

Let’s connect on LinkedIn! Send me a message and say hello!

Why am I here?

Over the years, I have had people ask me why I don’t teach full time, or why I don’t make instructional YouTube videos (or something along those lines). 

I’ve always found training and teaching very rewarding. 

I also know how tough apprenticeship and on the job training [OJT] can be. When I went through apprenticeship, about half of our class actually finished and graduated! Students in these programs can face a lot of challenges at times.  

I know – I was one of them. 

This is why I started HVACR University

I had an idea of starting a collaborative, supportive community of learners in the HVACR field. 

The HVACR field is very broad and there are many different paths that you can take in your career. This also means that there is a lot to learn! 

My goal is to use hvacru.com to assist apprentices and new technicians in navigating their HVACR careers through mentorship and training. 

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